Jamie Gooch

Supervisor Dental Professional Relations for

Delta Dental of Oregon and Alaska

Supervisor Dental Professional

Relations for Delta Dental of Oregon and Alaska

"These tools remove many of the barriers that often keep people from taking the final step of booking an appointment. As you can imagine, this has a huge impact on our most at‑risk population while generating more appointments for our providers."

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Olga Marth

Manager Dental Customer Service

Delta Dental of Oregon & Alaska

"The provider directory, profiles, and reviews are extremely beneficial. The procedure estimate is a lot more robust and it's helpful the estimate takes into consideration the remaining maximum."

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Teri Barichello

VP Dental Corporate

Delta Dental of Oregon & Alaska

Delta Dental of
Oregon & Alaska

"Empowering members with self‑service tools to improve their oral health was one of the best decisions we've made. Today, our award‑winning Dental Tools not only help us remain competitive but also allow us to lead the market in ways that further our mission and purpose as a company."

Teri Barichello

VP Dental Corporate

Delta Dental of Oregon & Alaska

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